
Targeting Drink Drivers

There’s New Roadside Breathalysers to Detect Drink Drivers The government has announced its intention to use new roadside breathalysers, in a move that could see a further 6,000 convictions per year for drink drivers. At the moment, the breath test procedure is in 2 stages, a person who tests positive at the roadside will be…

Getting Tough on Breach of Court Orders

Getting Tough on Breach of Court Orders

The New Breach Guidelines Yesterday (7 June 2018), the Sentencing Council has published new guidelines for judges and magistrates for when they are sentencing offenders who have breached court orders. The guidelines provide a clear approach which will mean a tightening up of the way courts deal with offenders who have not complied with a…

What You Need to Know About Social Media Crime

What You Need to Know About Social Media Crime

Social Media Crime … With the ever-growing popularity of social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram it is important to take a step back and consider your use of them. You need to make sure that you and your children not only control the personal information that is put onto social media but…

What’s Wrong with Visual Identification Evidence?

What’s Wrong with Visual Identification Evidence?

Problems with Visual Identification Evidence A critical evidential problem for courts is how much weight to place upon visual identification evidence where that evidence is weak or based on a very brief encounter. You would think that the usual rules apply regarding the jury’s verdict; if they are not sure that the defendant has been…