Drink or Drug Driving – The Second Sample

Drink or Drug Driving – The Second Sample

In some cases, the police need to take either a blood or urine sample from a driver suspected of driving under the influence of drink or drugs. In almost all instances, the police opt for a blood sample. What Happens Next? Part of the problem is the procedure adopted by the police. The police do…

Firearms – Sentencing Reform

Firearms – Sentencing Reform

The Sentencing Council is consulting on a new guideline for some of the most commonly prosecuted firearms offences. At the moment, guidance is to be found only in case law, and this can lead to a challenging sentencing exercise. The purpose of the guideline is to provide consistency in sentencing, and the impact assessment does…

Diplomatic Immunity

Diplomatic Immunity

The somewhat arcane topic of diplomatic Immunity has hit the news headlines following the tragic death of 19-year-old Harry Dunn, as a result of a road traffic collision. It has been confirmed that the wife of an American diplomat has returned to the United States and will not face a further criminal investigation in the…