Howards Solicitors have twenty years of experience in dealing with all aspects of prison law. We have a nationwide presence and can represent prisoners throughout England and Wales.

We have developed particular expertise in representing prisoners who are subject to Parole Board decision making.

We actively represent Life Sentence Prisoners whether they be I.P.P, M.L.P, D.L.P or A.L.P and assist with their progress through the prison estate starting with Pre-tariff reviews and initial Parole Board hearings for either open conditions or release.

We offer consistent and expert advice on how to progress and meet the test for release or transfer to open conditions when appearing before a panel of the Parole Board to achieve the desired outcome.

We also have significant expertise in dealing with Recall to custody matters and will actively advise and represent prisoners who have been recalled to custody through written representation, Parole Board hearings and representations to the Secretary of State to obtain Executive Release.

We represent all types of prisoners who have been recalled to custody, whether that be an indeterminate sentence client, EDS client or an individual who has a fixed term sentence.

We also assist individuals in relation to Category A Review matters and indeterminate sentence prisoners who have been removed from open conditions.

We can provide expert representation in relation to all the above matters under our Criminal and Prison Law contract.

We are one of the few remaining law firms to have been awarded a Legal Aid Contract allows us to act in Prison Law matters and in particular the following matters:

  1. Parole Applications
  2. Recall
  3. Pre-Tariff Reviews
  4. Removal from open conditions (Indeterminate Sentences)
  5. Category A Reviews
  6. Independent Adjudications (before an Outside Judge)
  7. Sentence Calculation

We can also deal with other areas of Prison Law not covered by the contract on a private paying basis including through fixed fees.

If you require assistance please feel free to contact us on 0161 872 9999 or via email at