Motoring Offences & Penalty Point Codes we can help you defend:

Accident Offences

AC10 Failing to stop after an accident
AC20 Failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC30 Undefined accident offences

Disqualified Driver

BA10 Driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA30 Attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court

Careless Driving

CD10 Driving without due care and attention
CD20 Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD30 Driving without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD40 Causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD50 Causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD60 Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD70 Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for analysis CD80 Causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving
CD90 Causing death by driving: unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured drivers Construction & Use Ofences
CU10 Using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU20 Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of use of unsuitable vehicle or using a vehicle with parts or accessories (excluding brakes, steering or tyres) in a dangerous condition
CU30 Using a vehicle with defective tyre(s)
CU40 Using a vehicle with defective steering
CU50 Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers CU80 Using a mobile phone while driving a motor vehicle

Reckless / Dangerous Driving

DD10 Causing serious injury by dangerous driving
DD40 Dangerous Driving
DD60 Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD80 Causing death by dangerous driving
DD90 Furious driving

Drink Or Drugs

DR10 Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit DR20 Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR30 Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR31 Driving or attempting to drive then refusing to give permission for analysis of a blood sample that was taken without consent due to incapacity
DR40 In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit DR50 In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR60 Failure to provide a specimen for analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive
DR61 Refusing to give permission for analysis of a blood sample that was taken without consent due to incapacity in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive
DR70 Failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR80 Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR90 In charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs

Insurance Offences

IN10 Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks Licence Offences

LC20 Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC30 Driving after making a false declaration about fitness when applying for a licence LC40 Driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC50 Driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds Miscellaneous Offences

MS10 Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS20 Unlawful pillion riding
MS30 Play street offences
MS40 Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test MS50 Motor racing on the highway
MS60 Offences not covered by other codes
MS70 Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS80 Refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS90 Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc Motorway Offences
MW10 Contravention of Special Roads Regulations (excluding speed limits)

Pedestrian Crossings

PC10 Undefined Contravention of Pedestrian Crossing Regulations
PC20 Contravention of Pedestrian Crossing Regulations with moving vehicle PC30 Contravention of Pedestrian Crossing Regulations with stationary vehicle

Speed Limits

SP10 Exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP20 Exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle (excluding goods or passenger vehicles)
SP30 Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP40 Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP50 Exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP60 Undefined speed limit offence

Traffic Direction & Signs

TS10 Failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS20 Failing to comply with double white lines
TS30 Failing to comply with “Stop” sign
TS40 Failing to comply with direction of a constable/warden
TS50 Failing to comply with traffic sign (excluding – stop -signs, traffic lights or double white lines) TS60 Failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS70 Undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign Special Code
TT99 To signify a disqualification under totting-up procedure. If the total of penalty points reaches 12 or more within 3 years, the driver is liable to be disqualified

Theft Or Unauthorised Taking

UT50 Aggravated taking of a vehicle

Regardless of the offence, it is likely one of our specialist road traffic offence / motoring offence lawyers can give you some advice to better your position – so call now before you take any action. We are solicitors and as such we are regulated by the “Law Society”. This means that we are insured to protect you against negligence and that you are guaranteed we are authorised in the provision of legal services. In addition should you have any cause for complaint then the Law Society will persue the matter on your behalf until you get a satisfactory outcome. Beware of other providers who are not regulated by the Law Society as you are not afforded any protection in law should you have any complaint.

Speak to Howards Solicitors today to find out more about your Road Traffic & Motoring offence, the possible penalties and defences available. Motoring Solicitors with offices in Manchester & Macclesfield, covering Manchester, Cheshire & beyond.

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