Investigating and Prosecuting Rape Cases

Investigating and Prosecuting Rape Cases

The Latest Findings About Rape Cases Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate has published a new report in relation to the investigation and prosecution of rape cases. The significant findings are: Since 2016, the number of cases prosecuted by the CPS has fallen by 52%. This is despite the fact that there has been a…

Drink or Drug Driving – The Second Sample

Drink or Drug Driving – The Second Sample

In some cases, the police need to take either a blood or urine sample from a driver suspected of driving under the influence of drink or drugs. In almost all instances, the police opt for a blood sample. What Happens Next? Part of the problem is the procedure adopted by the police. The police do…

Airports, Planes And Alcohol Laws

Airports, Planes And Alcohol Laws

Do Alcohol Laws Need to Be Changed for Airports and Planes? It has been reported in the press that 500 people have been arrested while drunk on a plane at British airports in the last three years.  For many people a holiday begins once cases have been checked in, and what is the harm in…

Prison Benefits and Incentives are Changing

Prison Benefits and Incentives are Changing

What You Need to Know About Prisoner Benefits and Incentives Over the next six months, prison benefits and incentives are undergoing a change. New rules place emphasis on positive reinforcements – praising prisoners for behaving well – rather than punishment. The new Policy sets out the rules and guidelines for Governors and Directors of prisons…