
Desperate times = Desperate measures (Legal Aid Cuts)

Oliver Gardner of Howards Solicitors and CLSA Committee Member reports on the latest developments in criminal legal aid. On the 1st July 2015 the majority of solicitors undertaking publicly funded criminal defence work decided to stop accepting new instructions (Protocol 1) in protest at the Government’s decision to again reduce the rates payable. I could…

Refugee Crisis, Dead Babies And All You Do Is Make Excuses!

Refugee Crisis, Dead Babies And All You Do Is Make Excuses!

Refugee Crisis, Dead Babies And All You Do Is Make Excuses! It has long frustrated that me that “our” response to the current and ongoing refugee crisis has been not only lacking but wholly unsympathetic. I have been hesitant to cast assumptions about our collective conscience preferring to conclude that factors such as the daily…


SRA Consultation On Referral Fees

Oliver Gardner Of Howards Solicitors Manchester Explains The Issues Surrounding Referral Fees In The Legal Sector It strikes me that there are a number of issues: Firstly, there is the straight forward simple payment of what we all recognise as a referral fee: It is a payment, usually but not limited to, in monetary form…