Dear Oliver, Thank you for all your help which was offered with an eye on practicality and common sense.
Read More Suravi Chatterjee
Thank you so much for all you have done to clear my son Steven’s name and allow him to be back home with his daughter and the rest of his family.
Read More Mrs Knapman (Steven's Mum)
You got me far more money than I ever imagined and you allayed all my fears in relation to personal injury lawyers when you did not take a penny from me either up front or at the end and out of my compensation. Once again, thank you so much for making the process simple and easy for me. I will tell everybody I know about you.
Read More Jacqui Finn
‘Howards – a knockout!’
Steve Collins
Full View Steve Collins

Former Middleweight and Super-Middle weight WBO Champion

You successfully defended me on a charge of driving without due care and attention.
Carly Stratton
Full View Carly Stratton

Channel 4 – Shipwrecked